App Development Course for Kids

CEO By Muhammad Adrees
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  • $ 50 $ 50 App Development Course for Kids
  • $ 50 $ 50
32 Lessons( 8 week )

Introduction to Mobile App Development for Kids

Greetings from the fascinating world of developing mobile apps! Kids will set out on a journey to learn how to design and develop original mobile applications in this course. Moreover, this course will provide young learners the tools they need to realize their creative app ideas, from learning the fundamentals of mobile app development to becoming proficient in coding languages.

What is Mobile App Development?

The process of developing software for mobile platforms, like tablets and smartphones, is known as mobile app development. It involves creating the user interface, implementing functionality with code. Furthermore, it includes testing the application to make sure everything functions as it should.

Kids experiment with mobile app development

Why Kids Should Learn Mobile App Development?

Mobile applications are vital in today's digital world, and teaching kids to make them gives them the opportunity to affect technology. Studying mobile app development increases dedication, as well as teamwork and communication. It gives students the tools they need to succeed by preparing them for careers in technology.


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Date : March 15, 2024 Language : English

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Course Includes
  • Introduction to App Development
  • User Interface, Buttons & Labels
  • Pallete, Layout & Multiple Screens
  • Location sensor, audio, video
  • Calling, texting, emailing from apps
  • Application Programming Interface
  • Build a portfolio of Mobile App Projects

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